Grout Calculator
Grout Calculator
Measure exact dimensions of tile In WHITE boxes, enter tile dimensions in inches (fraction or decimal is OK) In GREEN box, enter desired joint width in inches (fraction or decimal is OK) If fractions are used there must be a space between the whole number and the fraction
- 1/16" = .0625
- 1/8" = .125
- 3/16" = .1875
- 1/4" = .25
- 5/16" = .3125
- 3/8" = .375
- 7/16" = .4375
- 1/2" = .5
- 9/16" = .5625
- 5/8" = .6
- 11/16" = .6875
- 3/4" = .75
- 13/16" = .8125
- 7/8" = .875
- 15/16" = .9375