Tile Installation Systems Warranties
Tile Installation Systems Warranties
SGM offers the very best products available in the industry. Customer and Technical assistance is just a phone call away. You can rest assured that the highest quality materials have been used and are supported by the best warranty program in the industry.
Installation System Warranties:

When considering an installation system, the customer and the SGM representative should review the SGM products applicable for each specific need. SGM system warranties only apply to installations using a complete SGM system.
Southern Grouts & Mortar’s, Inc., (herein referred to as SGM), warrants that SGM installation materials listed, will not deteriorate, break down or loose bond for a period of five (5) years, ten (10) years, or twenty-five (25) years, depending on the system selected; from the date of installation when installed in accordance with both SGM written guidelines and industry specifications.
In the event of this breach of warranty, SGM will pay for the replacement portion of the installation proven to be defective. This payment will not exceed the original cost of the installed product, calculated on a square foot basis. Payment will include reasonable labor and finishing materials only. Projects greater than 5,000 square feet require prior registration and inspection at SGM discretion. This warranty includes both residential and commercial applications.
SGM reserves the right to inspect all materials and installation associated with said claim and to investigate said claim and retain samples of alleged failure for analytical analysis and that if deemed necessary in a reasonable time period, said inspection and product sampling shall take place prior to any settlement of said claim.
This shall be the sole remedy for breach of warranty and such remedy shall be in lieu of any claim for damages, including incidental or consequential damages. Attorney fees are not recoverable from SGM.