Water Chemistry
Water Chemistry
In accordance with the National Plasterers Council, Inc. (“NPC”) standards, it is recommended that the following pool and spa water chemistry conditions be maintained on an ongoing basis for the longevity of the interior pool and spa finish. These values are important to prevent corrosion, deterioration, discoloration, scaling or other problems. For more information refer to your local agency having jurisdiction or NPC.
Follow recommended fill and balancing procedures to ensure a successful start-up. Fill pool completely and without interruption with clean, potable water. The use of a filter during fill is strongly recommended. The initial fill water is the most important water that the pool will receive and must be tested, recorded and adjusted according to the following parameters by an experienced pool professional. For the first thirty days (30) the pH and alkalinity must be monitored and adjusted (if applicable) every three (3) to five (5) days. All other chemicals monitored and adjusted (if applicable) every seven (7) to ten (10) days. The pool water must be tested regularly and documented monthly by a reputable company using a computerized system. Monitoring the pool water regularly will not only affect the new finish but will keep it looking new. Improper water chemistry will void the limited residential / commercial warranty. It is recommended that a quality sequestering agent be used in the initial start-up in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and then a recommended maintenance dosage per the sequestering agent’s manufacturer instructions.
Add sequestering agent upon initial fill per manufacturer’s instructions. Adjust pH to 7.2 – 7.6 and total alkalinity to 80 -120 PPM. Maintain calcium hardness at a minimum of 125 PPM for the first three days, then adjust to 200-400 PPM thereafter. Dissolve chemicals completely in water and disperse throughout pool.
Record pH, total alkalinity, calcium hardness, and temperature levels. Adjust pH to 7.4 – 7.6 and total alkalinity to 80-120 PPM. Dissolve all chemicals completely in water before adding to the pool, and allow sufficient time for each chemical to be fully dispersed before adding other chemicals. DO NOT ADD CHLORINE. Brush the entire surface twice daily for the first three (3) days.
Repeat steps from Second Day. Adjust chemistry to the following levels:
- Free Chlorine: 1.0 – 3.0 PPM
- pH: 7.4 -7.6
- Total Alkalinity: 80 -120 PPM
- Calcium Hardness: 200 – 400 PPM
- Stabilizer: 30 – 60 PPM
Adjust circulating pump timer to normal operating hours. Brush the pool walls and floor daily for the first two (2) weeks. Do not vacuum pool with wheeled vacuum for 14 days. Putting a wheel cleaner in the pool prematurely can cause wheel marks/ tracks to show up on the pool finish. Do not install an automatic pool cleaner for 28 days. No salt should be added for 28 days. Please make sure the water pH and alkalinity is balanced prior to the use of salt chlorine generators.
Maintain the water chemistry using the Langelier Saturation Index (LSI) maintained between 0.0 and +0.3.
Description Pool & Spa Water Levels
- Free Chlorine – Above 4.0ppm may cause corrosion: 1 to 3PPM
- Total Chlorine: 1 to 3PPM
- pH: 7.4 to 7.6
- Alkalinity: 80 to 120 PPM
- Calcium Hardness: 200 to 400 PPM
- Cyanuric Acid: 50 to 80 PPM
- TDS: 300 to 1800 PPM (Non-Salt Pools)
- Salt Level: 2500 to 3500 PPM (Salt Chlorination ONLY)